Contact Us
Would you like more information about The Anderson Township Historical Society?
Would you like more information about Becoming a Member?
Or would you like to find out more about our Genealogical Library?
Or would you like to find more information about the history of your home or business property?
If so fill out the form below and someone will be in touch with you soon.

The Miller-Leuser Log House
Is located at 6550 Clough Pike
(at Bartels Road)
Entered in the National Register of
Historic Places
(National Park Service, Department
of the Interior)
For Directions Click/Tap Here >
The Anderson History Room
Anderson Center
Lower Level
7850 Five Mile Road
Cincinnati, Ohio 45230
For Directions Click/Tap Here >

Our Genealogy Library and Research Library are open by appointment.
Genealogical and research service is available.
For more information, contact:
If you have a question about the History of your property in Anderson Township Please let us know and we will do the best we can to help you with the research of your home or business site.
While we may not have the answer all of the time we can help point you in the right direction.