The Surveyor

The Surveyor is the quarterly newsletter of the Anderson Township Historical Society, distributed to all members.
If you have a change in address, phone number or e-mail address, please contact
ATHS at P.O. Box 30174,
Cincinnati, OH 45230
Or send an e-mail to ATHS at
Articles, comments, photos, ideas and suggestions for the Surveyor are always welcome.
E-mail them to
We have several back copies of the Surveyor that you can read on line.
Each one of these is an Acrobat PDF file that can be opened in your browser.
They can also be printed on your home ink jet printer if you would prefer.
Past Issues of The Surveyor

ATHS continues to provide educational opportunities to Anderson Township.
For the 7th year, we provided local history presentations to over 650 local 2nd and 3rd grade students at
the Anderson Center with 7 full day field trips for the various district schools. In addition, we hosted about 100 Mercer Elementary, 3rd grade students at the Miller-Leuser Log House.
The visit by the 3rd graders started many years ago and is a welcome addition to our activities. Very often, Sunday visitors to the Log House mention their children’s experiences as being the driving force for their visit
to the grounds.